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¿Qué es un elemento de texto enriquecido?

El elemento de texto enriquecido le permite crear y dar formato a encabezados, párrafos, citas en bloque, imágenes y vídeo, todo en un mismo lugar, en lugar de tener que añadirlos y darles formato individualmente. Haz doble clic y crea contenido fácilmente.

Edición de contenidos estáticos y dinámicos

Un elemento de texto enriquecido puede utilizarse con contenido estático o dinámico. Para el contenido estático, basta con soltarlo en cualquier página y empezar a editarlo. Para el contenido dinámico, añada un campo de texto enriquecido a cualquier colección y, a continuación, conecte un elemento de texto enriquecido a ese campo en el panel de configuración. ¡Listo!

Cómo personalizar el formato de cada texto enriquecido

Los títulos, los párrafos, las citas de bloque, las figuras, las imágenes y los pies de figura pueden estilizarse después de añadir una clase al elemento de texto enriquecido mediante el sistema de selectores anidados "Cuando dentro de".

Gary Morgan

Chairperson for the Government of Victoria’s Ministerial Advisory Committee on wildland fire risk

Over a period of more than 40 years, Gary Morgan has made many significant contributions to the management of forests and forest fires at the state, national and international levels.

For 9 years, he was Victoria’s Chief Fire Officer for public lands before becoming CEO, for 7 years, of the Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre. He remains very active in two national organisations. The Forest Fire Management Group, and Forestry Australia’s Forest Fire Management Committee which he is the Chairperson. He is also the Chairperson for the Government of Victoria’s Ministerial Advisory Committee on wildland fire risk.

In 2000, Gary arranged the first deployment of Australian and New Zealand firefighters to the USA then initiated the development of the formal forest firefighting support agreements between fire agencies in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA.

In 2005, he participated in drafting of the United Nations FAO’s Fire Management Voluntary Guidelines then became a member of the FAO Fire Management Actions Alliance Advisory Group.

He was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), in 2018, for his significant service to the community through fire response organisations, and to forest and fire research, and management.